Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wilson In Not Dead Shocker

Yes, it's true. I can confirm that I am not dead. So thanks to Paulo somewhere near Milan (apparently) and Steve from Yarmouth for your concerned e-mails. It is good to know that someone actually takes the time to check if I've updated this drivel. So what's new? Well, you'll never guess what. I still haven't signed that contract with the publishers I was wittering about back in 2001. Well, OK, it was probably Janaury, but it feels like years. I tell you, all of this book writing lark was at some point in the increasingly dim past good fun. Then the industry gets involved and sucks all life and enthusiasm from you. Hopefully, this will get signed off sometime soon, but then I've been saying that for weeks and cock all happens . . .

Apart from that, was in Preston last night for a Porcupine Tree gig. Stunning stuff really, with the ever-so-slightly-disturbing backdrop movie adding to the general ambience. Which reminds me, I need to put together a review of last night for Classic Rock. I guess I'd better get to it . . .


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