Sunday, March 18, 2007

Back In Time

Just as the book is being proof-read and edited, ready to be flung in the direction of the designers, I've managed to track down a couple more people who played pivotal roles in DT history. No, not Kevin Moore (even I've given up on that one) but people who were involved in signing DT to their first label. I've been trying to track them down for three years, and thanks to a chance encounter on Myspace with Long Island guitarist Rich Brymer who is in contact with 'em, I've finally hunted them down. So, it's back to the process of interviewing, transcribing and editing their accounts into the text. Which is great, as it makes the book just that little bit more complete. In fact, Kevin Moore aside, the only person I've now not tracked down is a guy from Florida called John Hendricks who worked with DT in the period before James LaBrie joined the band. So Johnnie boy, if you're out there and by some miracle are reading this, get in touch . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this will help:

2:29 pm  

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