Friday, December 15, 2006

Maiden Manchester

I know I'm gonna get panned for this, but what the hell . . .

Saw Iron Maiden in Manchester last night. As you're no doubt aware, they have taken the "bold" move of performing their new album in its entirety on this tour, only reverting to dipping into their back-catalogue for the encores. It was the first Maiden gig I have ever been to where I was both disappointed and bored. Now before anyone starts, I love Maiden. Their new album is probably their best in the last 10 years. But it really doesn't have the weight to carry an arena crowd for 70 minutes. Sorry guys, bad move. I say this not only because I found myself looking at my watch, but given the fact that there were people leaving and I have never seen the bar so busy during a gig. Maybe they've got shares in Boddingtons?

Despite Bruce's best efforts the crowd were pretty listless - apart from those suffering from blind faith down the very front (let's be honest, Maiden could have performed Des O'Connor numbers and they'd have loved it). Of course they will claim that this was a smart move on their part, but I guarantee in a years time, they'll be admitting it was a disaster. The whole thing reminded me of the scene in Spinal Tap where they played "Jazz Odyssey" in front of a dis-interested crowd. There was even the hint of a festival performance next summer with the promise of them playing "some of the old songs we didn't have time for" which to me came across as an huge apology. For 70 minutes last night, I wished that I had stayed at home and had a big wank . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, Rich, I was looking at tickets, possibly for the second night at Sheffield. Then I remembered they're playing the whole of their latest album. I've found A Matter of Life and Death to become, well, plain boring on repeated listens and I didn't want to stand in the crowd and find myself clock watching.

I think you're spot-on; they'll come to regret it.

11:54 am  

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