Back To The Grind

No updates as I've been away for a couple of weeks, enjoying the peaceful seclusion of the Isle Of Mull. Just a cottage, a remote loch, and fine local whisky by the bucketload. Perfect really. The tranquilly was only shattered for two days when the Island was invaded by amateur drivers taking part in the annual Rally. I'm sure many of these individuals were decent enough- as were the the few locals who were taking part - but the ones I had the misfortune to bump into were a breed apart. Driving around like they owned the island (ie like twats), reeking of Hai Karate aftershave and talking like lobotomised versions of Liam Gallagher, they were a joke. Factor into this image the fact that many were driving Vauxhall Nova's (big exhaust pipes, small cock - you know the type), and were under the misguided belief that they were somehow important. Apparently, there were rumours that some locals had taken to placing piles of gravel on the route at perilous corners to induce accidents, such is the resentment from the islanders. I'd have preferred landmines.
Anyway, I guess now I need to contemplate getting back to work and try to re-awaken my brain in order to come up with a few juicy feature suggestions for Classic Rock. Frankly, I need the money. Tobermory Malt is damned expensive. Obligatory holiday snap at the top.
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