Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Book Release Date Info

OK. It looks like the earliest the book will now be out will be around February / March 2007. The reasons for this are too protracted to go into in depth, but it will give everyone involved the opportunity to make sure that this is a high-quality product and not a rush-job. Of course, I would ideally have wanted to get this out there sooner, but at least it should be out before the next Dream Theater album which will ensure that the text remains current.

It's funny, once you've finally completed something like this, there's such a burning urge to get the thing printed up and actually out there. Out into the public domain to get slated or praised, and hoping that people actually enjoy reading it. Waiting another few months is going to gradually drive me insane, but I'm just gonna have to get used to it and source another major project to work on. Offers of work from major bands wanting biographies written are welcome. Send 'em my way . . .

So future DT book updates may become a tad sporadic from here on in, as the days turn into winter weeks with basically cock-all happening. But I still intend posting my random thoughts, and even if no-one is actually reading this, it has a soothing effect and takes my mind off the delay!

Oh, and btw, the photo on my last post showed Charlie Dominici in his youth. He's on the far right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant wait for this book! keep up the good work!

12:38 pm  
Blogger Spencer said...

That Charlie pic is priceless :)

9:14 pm  

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