Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Am Still Here

Yep, I'm still here. Been a hectic few days as I am trying to rapidly get this final chapter written. Mind you, I say final, but the way things have been going, I might be writing another one in a couple of years! No. Actually things look to be moving. We are just trying to source someone who can take the online pre-orders, warehouse the books once printed, pack and post the things! Sounds simpler than it actually is. I just think it's too much to ask for you good punters to order a book that you won't be getting your paws on for a few months, and expect you to pay me directly. We need a trustworthy third party. Not that I'm not trustworthy of course, but you know what I mean. For all you know, I might spend all your hard earned cash bribing Kevin Moore to speak to me!! I do expect to solve this minor problem in the next few days.

In the meantime, keep 'em peeled. I'll be back soon. And one of days, when you pay a visit to this saga known as my blog, you never know - there might actually be a book you can order.


Blogger João said...

Hmmm, and which minor problem might that be -- getting someone to take the online pre-orders or getting Kevin Moore to talk to you? ;)

I'll definitely pre-order my copy of the book as soon as the order form becomes available. :)

5:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Kevin Moore does not want to talk, than it was a good thing that he left the band.

6:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love it if the pre-order included a band signed lithodraph of the books cover, kind of like what one of the online stores did with Systematic Chaos in the US. I know that this may be too much to ask of Rich & the band but I can dream can't I? Would increase pre-orders though for sure...

2:29 am  

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