Friday, January 12, 2007

And They're Off

Today was the day things started moving at a fair pace on the DT book front. This was encouraged by a titbit of information I gleaned from the printers. Apparently, due to the format of the book, the thing will need to be printed in the Far East. All of which is fine, until the bombshell hit that once the copy is finished (ie designed) and sent over to the Chinese sweatshop, it will take THREE BASTARD MONTHS for them to print it. And then send it half way around the world by BOAT back to the UK. Add on to that a good 4-6 weeks for the book to be designed, me to sign a contract, and for the cover art to be done by a soon-to-be-revealed-famous-rock-cover-designer (fingers crossed), time really is a pressing. Especially since we are aiming for the book to be out to coincide with the DT album release and tour. A few panicked phone calls later and the text is in the hands of an editor as we speak. But I am really psyched about this project. If it comes off as I intend in terms of design, quality and the inclusion of the proposed "extras", this will be a release you'll love. Just pray with me to whichever God/ Idol / Clown/ Cartoon Character you worship that this all goes to plan . . .


Blogger YtseJam said...

So does this mean no new chapter about the 21st year of DT? (new album)

7:43 pm  

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