About That Review

I know that Metal Hammer are going to be putting up a review of the 'Black Clouds . . .' on their website. So I am basically waiting until they do before I start writing mine - don't want to annoy anyone by jumping the proverbial gun and all that. But it is very, very good . . .
Saw Asia last night at the rather odd surroundings of the Buxton Opera House. Backstage, the changing rooms looked like a Victorian toilet and the catering looked pretty basic ( a plate of lettuce). Can't imagine what the likes of Carl Palmer thought about it - all a bit far removed from having your own personal truck and tourbus as he did in the heyday of E.L.P.
I was hoping to be heading off to see the mighty AC/DC tonight, but couldn't get tickets for love nor money. Bastard.
Shot of Asia above taken by my good self last night.
Wow, Howe looks really really old. The next thing on their rider should be a wheelchair for him
I was at the Buxton Opera House gig on Monday night - absolutely fantastic intimate venue - great sound although Carl Palmer was maybe a bit too loud (that's drummers for you!). Great gig. Steve Howe funnily enough is older than he was 30 odd years ago but can still play superbly and he has a style all of his own. Can't knock any of the band.
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