Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sorry To German DT Fans

Well, it was hoped that Lifting Shadows was going to be translated and published in German, but the prospective publishers are now not interested. There aren't that many German rock book publishers, so you can probably work out which one it was. Cough. Iron. Cough. Cough. Pages. Cough

But why I hear you ask? Well apparently, for the broader market, it wasn't "spectacular or entertaining enough." They are also of the opinion that there isn't the demand from German DT fans for such an edition.

"What can we do about this outrage?" I hear you cry. Or more accurately, "Was können wir über dieses Verbrechen tun?" (gotta love

I've no idea what you can do. Short of perhaps emailing said publisher and suggesting they are wrong, but I would never be the one to suggest such a thing as they will probably get very cross.
Still . . .


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